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The pros and cons of debit and credit cards

Deciding whether to use a debit or credit card can be tricky. On one hand, debit cards are convenient because they are linked directly to your bank account. This means that you can’t spend more money than you have. On the other hand, credit cards offer certain protections that debit cards don’t such as extended warranties on purchases and fraud protection. So, which should you use?

Are you constantly debating when to use your debit card and when to use your credit card? You’re not alone. In fact, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to using plastic.

Debit cards and credit cards differ in a few key ways. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of both debit and credit cards.

How does a debit card work?

A debit card is a plastic card that gives the cardholder a set amount of funds against each purchase they make. Debit cards can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

-To make purchases: When you use a debit card to make a purchase, the funds are transferred from your account to the merchant’s account immediately. This type of transaction is known as a point-of-sale (POS) transaction.

-To withdraw cash: You can use your debit card to withdraw cash from an ATM. The funds will be deducted from your account immediately.

-To pay bills: You can use your debit card to pay bills online or over the phone. The funds will be deducted from your account immediately.

As you can see, debit cards can be very convenient. However, you should only use them when you have the funds available in your account to cover the transaction. Otherwise, you may be charged overdraft fees.

When does using a debit card make sense?

Debit cards are a great way to access your money without having to carry around cash or write checks. However, there are some situations where it’s better to use debit cards and others where it’s better to use another form of payment. For example, if you’re worried about identity theft, it’s best to use a debit card at a restaurant or brick and mortar store instead of giving your credit card number to a stranger.

Debit cards are also a good choice for making small purchases or for when you don’t have enough cash on hand. However, you might not want to use a debit card for large purchases or for travel because if your card is lost or stolen, you may not have access to your money right away.

How are debit cards different from credit cards?

Debit cards are different from credit cards in that they do not allow the cardholder to borrow money against the purchase. Instead, the cardholder can only spend the funds that they have in their account. This makes debit cards a safer option than credit cards against getting into trouble with debt, as there is no risk of falling into debt.

Debit cards also offer a number of other benefits, including convenience, security, and rewards. For example, most debit cards allow the cardholder to make purchases online, over the phone, or in person without having to carry around cash or checks. In addition, debit cards are usually linked to a secure online banking account, so cardholders can track their spending and ensure that their account balance remains healthy.

Finally, many debit cards offer rewards programs, such as cash back or points for every purchase made. These rewards can be used to offset future travel expenses or to simply save money on everyday purchases. Overall, debit cards offer a number of advantages over other payment methods, making them an ideal choice for those who are looking for a safe and convenient way to pay for their purchases.

When to avoid using a debit card

In general, it’s not a good idea to put big-ticket items – like furniture or electronics – on a debit card since they can be hard to track and may not qualify for fraud protection like credit cards do. Stick with credit cards when making these types of purchases so you can easily dispute any problems that arise later on down the road.

For online purchases, credit cards transactions are generally easier to dispute and minimize the chances of fraud. With debit cards, there is always a risk of your entire bank account being emptied in a fraudulent transaction.

It’s best to avoid using a debit card when staying at a hotel because your card is linked to your bank account and the hotel will often put a deposit hold for time that you’re staying, plus some extra money in case you have other incidental charges.

Auto rental companies also place a hold on money in your account while using a debit card, so you will not have access to those funds for the term of the vehicle rental.

When to consider using a credit card

In general, credit cards are best used for larger purchases that you can pay off over time. As long as you’re mindful of your spending and make payments on time, using a credit card can be a convenient way to manage your finances.

Here are some instances when using a credit card might make more sense than using a debit card:

– You’re making a big purchase that you can’t afford to pay off right away, but can pay off in a few weeks.

– You’re planning a trip and need to book hotels or flights.

– You’re renting a car.

– You’re shopping online.

– You need to make an emergency purchase.

Advantages of using a credit card

Using a credit card can offer several advantages over using cash or a debit card. For one thing, credit cards can help you build your credit history. By making timely payments and keeping your balances low, you can improve your creditworthiness and potentially qualify for more credit in the future.

This is important if you ever want to take out a loan for a major purchase, such as a house or car. Additionally, credit cards usually offer some form of consumer protection on purchases or fraud protection. This can give you peace of mind in case something goes wrong with a purchase.

Credit cards are also a good option if you’re trying to take advantage of credit card rewards, like cash back or points. The cash back or points for your purchases can be better with a credit card than what a debit card may offer. Just be sure to pay off your balance in full every month to avoid interest charges. And as previously mentioned.

Credit cards also offer protection against fraud. If your credit card is ever stolen or used without your permission, you can typically dispute the charges and get your money back.

When to avoid using a credit card

Of course, there are also times when it’s best to avoid using a credit card. For example, if you’re already struggling with debt, racking up more credit card debt will not help your financial situation. Additionally, if you know you won’t be able to pay off your credit card balance in full at the end of the month, it’s probably best to avoid using the credit card so you don’t end up paying interest on your purchases. And if you’re trying to save money, it can be very easy to make impulse buying decisions when you have a credit card handy.


So, which is better—debit or credit? The answer, as with most things in life, is that it depends. It depends on your spending habits, your goals, and your financial situation. If you tend to overspend or carry a balance from month-to-month, a debit card might be a better option for you. But if you’re looking to build your credit score or take advantage of rewards programs, a credit card might be the way to go.

Ultimately, whether you should use a debit or credit card depends on your individual financial situation. One thing is certain – it’s always best to stick to a budget.

If you find yourself in over your head with credit or debit card debt or other types of unsecured debt such as cell phone, installment/payday loans, contact Progressive Debt Relief for a free consultation. They have a wealth of experience and expertise working with major creditors. 1.877.590.1847.

*This content must be used for informational purposes only. Progressive Debt Relief does not provide legal, financial or tax advice and the above should not be construed as such.

It’s no secret that the global pandemic known as Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on economies and personal finances worldwide. For many people, the past few years have been a time of great uncertainty and stress. If you’re one of the millions of people struggling to make ends meet because of Covid-19, there is hope. Debt relief programs may be available to you that can help ease your financial burden. Read on for more information.

Debt Is a National Problem

Debt is a national problem that has impacted millions of Americans after Covid. Credit card debt alone has reached $1 trillion, and the average American household carries $6,194 in credit card debt. In addition to credit card debt, there is also student loan debt, medical debt, and other types of consumer debt.

Personal loans are also on the rise. Americans’ average personal loan debt was $9,712 in November 2021 — an increase of 7% year-over-year (YoY). The #1 reason Americans were borrowing was to get out of debt. Some 37.17% of people surveyed by who reported ever taking out a personal loan said they used the funds for debt consolidation.

Of course, debts don’t just go away – they have to be paid off. For many people, this means making payments to multiple creditors each month. And if you’re behind on your payments, you may start receiving calls from debt collectors. These debt collection calls can be very stressful, and they may even lead to legal action if you can’t reach a repayment agreement.

If you’re struggling with debt, there are options available to help you get back on track. Whatever solution you choose, it’s important to take action and start addressing your debt problem head-on.

Loan and debt consolidation after covid

The pandemic has been rough on everyone, and many people are struggling to keep up with their bills. If you’re one of them, you may be looking for ways to get some debt relief. Loan consolidation can be a good option if you have multiple debts from different lenders. By consolidating your loans, you’ll have just one monthly payment to worry about. Debt consolidation is also a good option if you’re having trouble keeping up with your minimum monthly payments. By consolidating your debts into one loan, you may be able to get a lower interest rate and save money on interest charges. There are several other options for getting debt relief, including negotiating with your creditors, or filing for bankruptcy. But before you decide what to do, be sure to talk to a financial advisor to see what’s best for your situation.

Is bankruptcy an option?

The Covid pandemic has taken a terrible toll on the economy, and many people have found themselves in debt. If you’re struggling to keep up with your bills, you may be considering bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can be a helpful tool for getting out of debt, but it’s important to understand how it works before you make the decision to file.

Filing for bankruptcy can be a way to protect yourself from creditors and give yourself a fresh start. But it’s also a big decision with lasting consequences. Here’s what you need to know before you file.

When you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect. This means that creditors can’t try to collect your debts, at least for a while. The stay usually lasts until your bankruptcy case is over, but in some cases, it may be extended.

Filing for bankruptcy also gives you the opportunity to reorganize your debts. You’ll work with a bankruptcy trustee to come up with a repayment plan that fits your budget.

However, bankruptcy also has some drawbacks. For one thing, it will stay on your credit report for seven to ten years. This can make it difficult to get approved for new lines of credit. And even after the bankruptcy is off your report, lenders may still be hesitant to work with you.

Bankruptcy also isn’t right for everyone. If your financial situation is only temporary and you think you can work out a payment plan with your creditors, bankruptcy might not be the best option. You should also consider the cost of filing and whether you think you can successfully complete a repayment plan before making a decision.

Bankruptcy is not a decision to be made lightly, and should be a last option, however if you’re overwhelmed with debt, it may be the best option for you. Be sure to speak with an attorney to discuss your options and ensure that bankruptcy is the right choice for your situation.

How Do I Get Out of Debt?

We all deserve to be financially free, and with the right debt relief solution, you can get there. There are a variety of debt relief solutions available, and the best one for you will depend on your individual circumstances. If you’re struggling with debt, don’t feel like you’re alone. Help is available, and you can get started on the path to financial freedom today.

The first step is to figure out where you stand. Get a clear picture of all your debts, including credit cards, medical bills, student loans, and any other payments you may be behind on. Once you know exactly how much you owe, you can start working on a plan to get out of debt.

Debt consolidation is the process of taking out one loan to pay off multiple debts. This can be a useful way to consolidate debt and make it easier to manage your monthly payments. Although debt consolidation can simplify your debt situation, it is important to understand how debt consolidation works before you choose this option. Debt consolidation loans are usually available at lower interest rates than credit cards, so you may be able to save money on interest charges. Consolidating debt can also help improve your credit score by reducing the number of accounts on your credit report. As with any type of loan, however, debt consolidation loans carry some risks. If you miss a payment or default on the loan, you could end up with even more debt than you started with. Before you consolidate debt, be sure to consider all of your options and understand the risks involved.

Debt settlement is where you negotiate with your creditors to pay off debt for less than what you originally owed. This can be done by yourself, which can be a difficult and time-consuming process, or with the help of a debt settlement company, who has expertise in negotiating with creditors. The negotiation can take some time, but it can be worth it if you’re able to settle your debt for less than the full amount. Debt settlement can be a good option for people who are struggling to pay off their debt and are unable to qualify for debt consolidation or bankruptcy.

Whatever route you decide to take, stick with it! Anyone can get out of debt if they are willing to work hard and make the necessary adjustments. Getting out of debt is a process, and it may take some time, but it’s worth it in the end. When you become debt-free you’ll achieve financial freedom and be on your way to a bright financial future.

If you need a good debt relief company with a solid reputation to help you with your unsecured debt, look no further than Progressive Debt Relief. We’ve been in business for almost 20 years, we have extensive experience and expertise working with major creditors, numerous excellent reviews, IAPDA accreditation, no upfront fees, and no minimums to qualify! Call 877.590.1847 or schedule a free consultation online today.

*This content must be used for informational purposes only. Progressive Debt Relief does not provide legal, financial or tax advice and the above should not be construed as such.

Meal prepping can be daunting, and it’s easy to think that all the work won’t pay off or isn’t worth it. However mastering meal prep doesn’t have to mean hours in the kitchen; if you’re smart about it, you’ll find yourself saving money and eating healthier meals in no time. Meal prepping is a great way to take control of your nutrition goals while still having the convenience of ready-made meals — so why not give it a try? In this blog post, we’ll share some tips for how to make meal prepping simple and effective!

1.  Set Aside Time Each Week To Meal Prep

One of the best ways to save money on food is to meal prep. Meal prepping involves cooking a large batch of food at once and then portioning it out into individual servings that can be eaten throughout the week. This can help you to save money on both groceries and eating out.

2.  Decide What You Want to Eat

The first step to meal prepping is deciding what you want to eat. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to have a plan before you start cooking. Ask yourself what kinds of foods you enjoy eating and make a list of meals that you would like to prep. Once you have a list of meals, you can begin to plan your grocery list.

3.  Choose Your Recipes

Once you know what you want to eat, it’s time to choose your recipes. When selecting recipes, it’s important to consider how long they will take to cook and whether or not you have all of the ingredients on hand. It’s also a good idea to choose recipes that can be easily reheated or eaten cold.

4.  Prep Your Ingredients

Once you have your recipes chosen, it’s time to prep your ingredients. This means chopping vegetables, cooking meat, and measuring out spices. Prepping your ingredients ahead of time will save you a lot of time when it comes to actually cooking the meals.

5.  Cook Your Meals

After your ingredients are prepped, it’s time to cook your meals. If possible, it’s best to cook all of the meals at once so that they are ready to eat for the week ahead. If you’re short on time, you can also cook some meals ahead of time and freeze them for later.

6.  Store Your Meals

Once your meals are cooked, it’s important to store them properly so that they don’t go bad. Meals can be stored in airtight containers in the fridge or freezer for later consumption.

Investing in some good storage containers can also help you save money on the skyrocketing prices of food and groceries. Good storage containers will keep your food fresh for longer, which means that you won’t have to throw away as much food.

Discover the benefits of meal prepping – it’s the ultimate time and money saver and it can lead to a healthier lifestyle! You can start small by prepping just a few meals a week, and choosing recipes that are quick and easy to make. Make sure to prep your ingredients ahead of time and cook everything at once for a week’s worth of delicious and healthy food!

Another way to potentially save more money is to find out about the debt relief services Progressive Debt Relief offers. Set up a free consultation today and take the first step towards financial freedom!