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Tips for Handling Debt Collection Calls

Receiving a call from a debt collector or a creditor can be a very stressful experience for a borrower as they can often be intimidating and aggressive in their pursuit for repayment. In fact, many borrowers are so stressed about talking about their debts over the phone, that they either answer the calls unprepared or avoid them altogether. Unfortunately, borrowers may be faced with significant consequences as a result of not knowing what to say or how to properly handle these types of intrusive calls. The following tips can help alleviate your stress and provide you with a roadmap for navigating calls from a debt collector.

Tips for Handling Debt Collection Calls

· Document the Conversation– Keep track of all the information you receive on the call, including the person that you spoke to, when you were called, and what the call was about.

· Understand Your Debt– Before answering one of the many phone calls from your debt collectors, prepare in advance by learning as much as you can about the debt they are claiming you owe. 

· Know Their Agenda – Familiarize yourself with the legal limits of what a debt collector is able to ask, the methods they use to get information, and who they share your information with. 

· Try Transparency– Be honest with the debt collector and do not try to conceal information. If you do not have enough money to pay off the debt, let them know, as that will often give you more time.

· Ask Questions– If you’re uncertain as to whether the claims about you owing money are true, talk with the debt collector about your doubts, as they may take a different course of action if your concerns are backed up with evidence. 

What to Avoid

· Don’t Overreact– Do not take out any frustration you may have on the debt collector, try to remain calm and collected.

· Don’t Give Your Credit Card Number– Private personal information related to your finances should never be shared over the phone.

· Don’t Overpromise– To avoid the prolonging of the time frame that debt collectors could potentially sue, try not to make false suggestions that you will be able to clear the debt at a certain time.

Progressive Debt Relief Is Here to Help

Here at Progressive Debt Relief, we know that having to deal with paying off debts and managing calls from debt collectors is a complicated and stressful experience. That’s why, for over a decade, Progressive Debt Relief has been providing our clients with a beneficial service that focuses on settling all of your debt related issues as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our client-first mentality is one of the reasons why we offer free consultations and no upfront fees. Our team of financial experts are dedicated to alleviating your debt-related stress by personally negotiating with your creditors.

For more information about our debt relief services, as well as how to schedule a free consultation, visit the free consultation page of our website or call us at  1-877-590-1847.